I had heard of the pain but nothing prepared me well enough. To warm up, we were told to jog once round the football pitch. Then we did a series of squats, sprints and burpees.  The first 5 minutes were easy. But that’s where the fun ended. The squats became harder to do and I could feel every part of my body been worked out. The next things we did were Frog jumps, Mountain climbers and Squat Jumps. I felt so exhausted I almost puked. That was the indicator of just how unfit I am. When time was up, we did a final lap around the pitch to cool down. Then we stretched. 

There’s no describing how I felt after the workout. I felt invincible, sexy, and healthy. I felt like I already had the perfect body. Most of all, I felt like I was finally in control of my health. I wasn’t no longer a victim of my bad eating habits, I was the captain of my life. I was filled with zest, life and hope.

And then I woke up the next morning. It works almost the similar way that the buy cialis http://cute-n-tiny.com/page/11/ works. For example, simple starches like white rice may spike blood cialis generika 20mg sugar levels very high, very quickly for a diabetic and non-diabetic. The causes may viagra for free include:- Malocclusion/misalignment of teeth. There is no reason to doubt his female cialis online service as Chiropractor because as a professional, state-approved 30-hour training program. My whole body was aching. Every muscle in my body was punishing me for friday night. Even my tongue hurt. (Maybe not). But it was a good kind of pain, a bittersweet experience.    

I woke up this morning with dread. I called my boyfriend and told him I didn’t want to go back ever. That I was fine the way I was. But he reminded me of how I’m always complaining about my unfit-ness. And that this was good for me. Well, he convinced me. And I’m ready to go back. I don’t want to but I will coz I want to do something about my body rather than just complain. So here’s to a fit and healthy life through exercise, hardwork and perseverance.

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