I know I’ve been away for some time. I’ve been prompting myself to say/write something but a few things have been going on with me and I’ve never been one to handle too much emotion. When things get too much, I shut down and play dead like a possum. I become non functional and can’t concentrate on anything for long. I tend to become depressed quite easily. It’s quite silly because it’s the most trivial things that get to me. Like more than 2 people telling me I’ve gained weight releases an avalanche of emotions of failure, disappointment, dissatisfaction and disapproval. It’s crazy really, but in the words of one of Zambia’s musicians with a funny haircut/hairdo, Judy, “It is what it is” . These ayurvedic libido enhancer supplements for women cure ill-effects wholesale cialis pills of poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits and decreased sensation due to childbirth to improve a their libido to a great extent so as to fill their love-life with their partner. Erectile dysfunction, earlier known as impotence, is the inability to achieve or sustain an erection for attaining “basic human instinct”. cheap tadalafil uk It is available in three dissimilar forms that allow people the many ways to cure unica-web.com buy cialis their condition. Along with the consumption of the capsules daily lowest price on cialis workouts and taking healthy diets is very important. (She probably got the phrase from somewhere else. I just wanted a way to say something about her hair) 

Anyway, to break the silence I come bearing a gift. It’s a new video by Pentatonix called “Say Something”. It’s a cover for a song originally done by A great Big World and Christina Aguilera. It is so beautiful and gloomy. Just the kind of song I would listen to during one of my depression modes.

I promise I will say something soon before you guys give up on me.  

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